Bloat’s a Bitch: Date Night

Posted by Valentina from Flat Tummy Co on

So tonight is date number 3 with the hot guy you really, really want to get… um “up close and personal” with. You’ve been feeling and looking pretty good all week (even if you do say so yourself) but tonight.. the bloat strikes. Because apparently, that’s just how life of a real girl works. OK, we’re not delusional, there are plenty of times that we get bloated on total uneventful weeks or days, but it’s guaranteed to fall on the most important days. So unfair.

debloatingPhoto credit: @bryyy 

Our advice: 
First of all, stop with the sulk, you made it to date number 3. Try make this date your choice of venue, this means you can avoid any awkward/uncomfortable situations with that puffed out tummy of yours. 

Now lets get to outfit choice. LBD no longer means little black dress, it now means looser black dress which accentuates those lady lumps that are actually meant to be there. Thank god for push up bras. 

Thirdly, don’t give in to the bloat! Rock it, you’ll be scoring yourself a date number 4 with the hope that Mr.bloat won’t be featured as third wheel again. 

Lastly, don’t put up with it. Bloat’s a bitch but drinking (tea) is easy.