Listen up, babes!

Posted by Shelby from Flat Tummy Co on

Iggy azalea Flat Tummy tea


Alright, sooooo we heard through the grapevine that we’ve been featured in a couple songs over the years (pretty freakin’ cool, hey?). Well, get this… most recently we were mentioned in a song by IGGY AZALEA. This is no joke, babe. From billboards in Time Square NYC, to cool buildings in LA, and even a few buses here and there - you can basically see us everywhere, buttttt now you can hear about us too.

Do you know which artists have mentioned us in their songs? Don’t worry, we’re about to break it down for you. You ready?!

1. Hate On It - Iggy Azalea

Iggy Azalea

2. Flip - Future

Lil’ Bit Bobby V

3. Lil’ Bit - Bobby V

Bobby V

Yep, so you better start keeping your ears out for us, cause if you hear a song that mentions us - we wanna know about it!