Hangover cures, time of the month and HANGRY moments - What we're reusing our Flat Tummy Tea case for.
Posted by Valentina from Flat Tummy Co on
So this is a topic I’m super excited to write about. If you ask any of my friends, they will tell you that I’m the biggest organisation/neat freak of nature, which is why my Flat Tummy Tea case is like my best friend (sorry gal pals). It always has my back, it literally comes with me everywhere, oh and it holds all of my secrets. Okay maybe not all my secrets, but you know, personal stuff. So, I’m gonna give you a little sneak peek into what’s in my Flat Tummy Tea case.
1. Number one on the list is definitely my phone - I admit, I am an iPhone addict! My phone gives me maps, a flashlight, mirror, notepad, internet connection (bank access! VERY useful!), and a ton of other solutions all in one. This literally helps me save so much space in my bag for other much needed goodies. Whispers, “I love you iPhone.”
“Part B” because anywhere my phone goes, my headphones go. I’m all about positivity and feeling good, so every day walking from my car to the office I plug my ear phones in, crank my fave tunes and walk the streets like a boss! This wakes me up, gets me pumped and gets me ready to take on the day at Flat Tummy Tea HQ. Bring it!
2. Second item on my list is something all the party animals out there will agree with me on. Actually, let’s be real, we’ve all been through it. The hangover, the morning after that amazing night of tearing up the dance floor, when all we want to do is curl up in bed (or by the toilet after if it’s that bad) vowing never to drink again. Sound familiar? So if you haven't already guessed, Aspirin is my number 2 essential/life saver for those sympathetic, feeling sorry for myself moments. Just when I start to think the world has ended, out comes the aspirin and out goes that banging headache.
Speaking of slow mornings, I can’t get enough of this extra goodie for a million reasons! One half of the Flat Tummy Tea tea cleanse, the Activate tea is literally like the peanut butter to my jelly. It’s sooo tasty, is super high in antioxidants and gives me that little extra natural boost to get my booty moving out the door!
3. Period supplies. Do I even need to explain this one? I’m always ready for mother nature, even when it’s not expected. Actually funny story…just last weekend, a couple of girlfriends and myself we’re road tripping down south which at one point lead to an unexpected nose bleed. No tissues around called for tampon (un-used of course) to the rescue. Who knew they were such good nose bleed stoppers! LOL. But seriously. It was a first and hopefully a last.
4. Some days things just don’t go as planned, my alarm doesn’t go off and I’m busting out the door with one shoe on, only to realise I’ve left my lunch at home. Item Number 4 is there to keep us from getting hangry (hungry angry), a sweet snack will always be stashed in my Flat Tummy Tea case for this exact reason. Most of the time I have a semi healthy muesli bar, or a sachet of oats...no chocolate (not a choice) just cause it melts. #beentheredonethat
5. Last but not least, number 5 on my list is a pack of mints. Being a social person I find myself out wining and dining often. All it takes is a red onion (um, yes, this may be from a pizza) and I find my self gasping for a breath of fresh air. It’s just so easy to get into my zipper bag, grab a mint and I’m gooood to go! P.S. Mints over gum any day, they’re just way more chic.
So now you know what my top 5 absolute essentials in my Flat Tummy Tea detox case are, I want to see yours.. Share a pic of what goodies you keep in yours and #flattummytea to be featured on our Instagram!
Get snapping ladies. Magdalena