Posted by Valentina from Flat Tummy Co on

inner pep talk


We’ll admit… SOMETIMES... there are actually legitimate reasons as to why you can’t workout. We get it. But more often than not, the excuses that you tell yourself to justify not feeling guilty for skipping your working out are BS. And let’s be real, the only BS we’re gonna deal with is Burritos and Salsa.

So we’ve compiled some of our favorite lame excuses that we know will sound all too familiar. And then we’re going to tell why they don’t fly with us and what you need to do to shut those thoughts down!!

1. It’s too cold.

If you're one of those babes that won’t go outside until the temperature is above your age, we don’t wanna hear it. It can never be too cold. Do you know why? Because there’s nothing stopping you from doing a killer workout in the comfort of your own home. It’s just about getting in the right mindset to stick to your goals and not let anything get in the way. Make sure you have your Activate tea first thing to warm you up and then back it up with an awesome home workout. Problem solved. 

outdoor exercise

2. I’m too tired.

Too bad, babe. Adulting is hard, having kids is hard and work is hard. We get it. But it’s all about balance. You need to make sure you’re getting enough sleep and putting the right stuff in your body. There should be nothing stopping you from getting through the day and finding 30 to get your body active. Even if it’s just walking around the block, it still counts and it’s still important. And for those days when you’re feeling extra bluggish… we’ve got your back. #yourewelcome

workout motivation

3. Working out is boring.

Umm… have you seen some of the stuff you can do instead of running on a treadmill? The workout world is CRAZY right now with everything from hula hooping classes to classes that require you to dance and jump around a step for 45 minutes to killer tunes. If you don’t like your workout the answer is simple, change it. You need to enjoy what you’re doing, and trust us, there are so many options out there for you, you could literally do a different type of exercise every day for months and never do the same thing twice. So sorry babes, but that excuse won’t fly either.      

boxing exercise

4. I seriously don’t have time.

Babe, we seriously don’t buy it. If you’ve got time to sit on Instagram for 45 minutes and like someone’s photo from 157 weeks ago, you’ve got time to get up off your butt and do something. You have to set yourself some goals, and stick to them. You just need to keep telling yourself.. ‘I’VE GOT THIS,’ and then just get it done. Then you can reward yourself with an Instagram stalk or some TV time afterwards. But you’re not going to get anywhere if you keep putting it off. Once you start, you have to commit. And only then will you see the results. We’re here for a long time, babes (and also a good time.) But either way, we’ve got your back.  

fitness inspiration

5. It’s too expensive

Is it though? Because the last time we checked….doing a home workout from Youtube was preeeeeeetty freaking cheap. Sorry babes, but that excuse won’t work on us either. You gotta get creative. Don’t have a medicine ball? No problems, the fruit bowl will do. Or if you don’t want to go out and buy some weights, really heavy books work just as well. So yeah, getting a gym membership can get a bit pricy, but who said you had to go to a gym to get your exercise in for the day? Nope, wasn’t us. So really…. there’s no reason you can’t get up and get that butt (and that tummy) moving!

active wear

6. I’m not seeing any results

We’re not going to lie, even we can be guilty of going to the gym for the first time in 4 months and then checking for abs the next day. Babes, that’s not how it goes. If you’re not seeing results there’s probably one reason why… you’re not being consistent. It doesn’t happen overnight and you have to stick at it. Just like your Flat Tummy Tea detox, your workout plan, no matter how easy or intense, needs to stay on track. Keep yourself accountable or even better, get your bestie involved and do it together!  

flat tummy detox

We think you get the idea, but the fact is... you’re the only thing standing in the way of getting where you want to be. If you want to look good and feel even better you’ve gotta start somewhere. So get your Flat Tummy Tea brewing, set yourself some goals and keep at it. Girl, YOU’VE GOT THIS!

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