Real Girl Series - Part 1
Posted by Valentina from Flat Tummy Co on
Hey Guys,
It’s Valentina here and this is my blog as part of Flat Tummy Co’s Real Girl Series. I’ve been working at Flat Tummy HQ for about three years now and some of the questions we get all the time are about what we recommend eating, and what workouts we recommend doing along with our Flat Tummy products. So we thought we’d do a little series featuring some women from Flat Tummy HQ, highlighting parts of their day-to-day routine and what they do to keep themselves looking good and feelin’ fiiiine.
So hopefully this blog today will give you ladies a little insight into my life, and give you some inspo that you might want to incorporate into your own routine! Enjoy!
My Meal Prep
I’m pretty straight up when it comes to my foods. I don’t get super fancy or make it super complicated. I’m all about good, healthy, quick food that’s going to keep me energized, help me last throughout the day and also leaves me feeling really good.
I guess the most important thing that I can say when it comes to following a healthy diet is just make sure you’re eating enough food, and eating enough of the right food. I am a suckerrrrrrr for sweets, and all things bad (like wine, and chocolate and pretty much everything else) but everything is OK in moderation. So if you’re eating pretty well, majority of the time - there’s nothing wrong with treating yourself here and there!
My Workouts
Just like my eating habits, my workouts are also simple, easy and straightforward. I’m not one of those girls who spends 3 hours at the gym every day - I like to go in, smash it out, and then leave. And sometimes, when you’ve had one of those days, sometimes going to the gym seems like the last thing you want to do. But in order to get your results, doing something is always better than doing nothing. So that’s why I thought I’d share with you guys a few of my favourite home ab workouts - check them out below!
Exercise # 1 - Straight Leg Jackknifes
Exercise #2 - Leg Raises
Exercise #3 - Raised Sit Ups
My Top Pick
And to finish up - I thought I’d touch on my favorite Flat Tummy product. I’m a Flat Tummy Tea girl and have been for the last 3 years. It’s the only product I’ve found that actually works at reducing my bloating and keeping my tummy flat. Plus it’s super gentle which is a major thing. I’ve had issues with my digestive system for the last few years, despite eating all the right things and doing all the right things so this tea just helps me MASSIVELY just in terms of helping out my system and keeping things moving. Because let’s be real for a second, it can get super uncomfortable. But anyway, it’s delicious and it keeps me looking good, and feeling good. So if you ladies are looking for something that’s going to help you get ready for that wedding you’ve got coming up, or a summer event you want to feel freaking rockin’ for - then you really need to check this stuff out! No seriously - Just click the pic below to grab yourself a pack!