Back to Flat Bootcamp: Day 7

Posted by Nicole from Flat Tummy Co on

Bootcamp day 7

Finish today’s workout and celebrate your success! Cause.. H*LL FREAKIN YEAH, you’re about to absolutely crush this bootcamp and have that tummy tight, toned & flat. If you haven’t started yet but been meaning to, head back to the beginning and get going!
Pro Babe Tip: Consistency is key. Maybe it’s time to start a new challenge and keep up your momentum? We’ve got 3 kick-a** challenges ready and waiting - all you gotta do? Hit download.

Jumping Jacks
(50 reps)

Jumping jacks
Russian Twists
(50 reps per side)

Russian twists

Walking Lunges
(30 reps per side)

Walking lunges

(45 reps)

Squat ideas

(60 Seconds) 

Elbow Plank

That’s a wrap on Back to Flat Bootcamp! We want to hear about your results so send us your before/after pictures, plus a few lines letting us know your favorite part. Email

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