Back to Flat Bootcamp: Day 1
Posted by Nicole from Flat Tummy Co on
It’s day ONE, and we’re ready to get sh*t done! Now that you’re fully prepped and ready our Back to Flat Bootcamp, let’s crush those tummy goals. (Missed yesterdays blog? Check it out here!). Let’s crush those tummy goals.
We’re kicking things into high gear with our first day of workouts. You can do this right now, at home, with no equipment. So there’s no room for excuses, make time and do it! Complete all 5 exercises, rest for a minute, then repeat 2-3 times. Not sure how to complete an exercise? Just google it, babe. If you’re looking for a workout plan with descriptions, start/finish positions and even a little meal prep inspo, download one of our Flat Tummy Lifestyle guides.
Jumping Jacks
(30 reps)
(20 reps)
Walking Lunges
(10 per side)
(10 reps)
(20 reps)
Made it through round 1 of the circuit? Keep going babe, you’ve got two more to go! Wanna kick it up a notch and boost your results? Grab your Bootcamp Essentials for 20% OFF right now!
Pro babe tip: Be your own biggest damn fan! Celebrate after you’ve completed your reps - not able to do the circuit 3 times? Push yourself for 3 next time!