5 Ways To Kick Post Summer Blaaah
Posted by Nicole from Flat Tummy Co on
The days are getting shorter and the layers are getting thicker, but that's no excuse. Embrace the change and continue to smash your tummy goals, babe! We got together at HQ to give you 5 ways to beat that summer blaaah and refocus, get your sh*t together and bring on all the Fall vibes! Check them out below!
Yes summer just ended, but there’s nothing better than having something to look forward to. So, whether it’s a quick weekend getaway or a full week away with the girls - BOOK IT! That way, you’ll know you’ve got something coming up and something to be pumped about!
Organize your closet and declutter anything you’ve accumulated over these past few months. We own so many workout clothes and trust us, it’s tough to let it go… but out with the old, in with the new! Anything you haven’t worn in 6 months has got to go.
Print out pictures of some of your fav Summer memories and post them around your space! Seeing these on the wall will totally bring a smile to your face annnd will help to revamp your space while you’re at it. Yep, that’s a win-win.
Cuddle up, settle in and sip on pumpkin spice lattés? Wrong. Make the most of Fall and get the f*ck outside. The weather is designed for us babes. It's cool enough that we don't sweat to death, but warm enough we can enjoy the activity.
Hot girl Fall is 100% a thing, and we can help! Start by grabbing your FAV Flat Tummy bundle (at 30% off) and get ready to tackle your tummy goals. Whether you’re looking to move stubborn LBS with Shakes, cleanse & debloat with Tea, control hunger between meals with Lollipops, or slim the tummy with Gummies - we’ve got your back.*

Alright that’s that, babe! Embrace the change of season and get excited AF! Let us know how you make out and which one you did first. Got any questions? Shoot us off an email to getflat@flattummyco.com!