Back to Flat Bootcamp: Day 2

Posted by Nicole from Flat Tummy Co on

back to flat bootcamp day 2

It’s day TWO, and we’re feelin’ the freaking burn (which means the results are coming!), so let’s keep pushing to crush those tummy goals. Remember, these workouts can be done at home, with no equipment. If you missed yesterday's blog, check it out here.

If you’re all caught up and ready for day 2, let’s do this! Complete all 5 exercises, rest for a minute, then repeat 2-3 times.

Pro babe tip: When doing a bootcamp, drink LOTS of water. It’ll help keep you hydrated all day long, keep your skin glowing and help to flush out your system!

Jumping Jacks
(40 reps)

girl doing jumping jacks

Russian Twists
(25 reps per side)

girl doing russian twists

(10 reps)

girl doing pushups

Donkey Kicks
(15 reps per side)

girl doing donkey kicks

Knee to Elbow Crunch
(20 reps per side)

girl doing knee to elbow crunch exercises

GET. IT. GIRL. Made it through the first round of this circuit? Keep it up, you’ve got two more rounds to go! Annnnd if you wanna keep pushing for better and better results grab your Bootcamp Essentials for 20% OFF right now!  

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