Holiday bloat... we're ready for you!
Posted by Valentina from Flat Tummy Co on
6 tips on how to stay on track over the holidays!
Holiday bloat... COME AT US! We know you've got all your babein' party outfits lined up for the next couple of weeks and no way are we going to let bloat get in the way of you totally rocking it! So we've put together some tips and tricks to keep you looking good and feeling fiiiiine over the holiday season!
- This full body workout is your new bff #forreal
Let’s be real for a second. We know you’re not going to be hitting the gym 5 days a week in the lead up to Christmas. But, there’s nothing wrong with keeping yourself on track with a quick 15 minute workout you can do on your bedroom floor! It might look easy, but trust us, on round 2 it’ll hit you where it hurts (in the good way #duh). Just do this 3 times a week either after you’ve had your Flat Tummy Tea and you’ll be good to go!
- 20 sit ups
- 8 push ups
- 20 squats
- 30 second plank
- Repeat x 3 times

- The buddy system is a thing
Yep, we’re not joking. The best way to hold yourself accountable during the party season is to have your bestie there to help you stay on track. Having a babe to support you when you’re going through those late night cravings will a) keep you sane and b) make you think about what you’re doing before you’re half way through the packet of mince tarts.
- Don't waste your time on average treats
This is very important. Say NO to the treats that you know you don’t really like, and say HELL YEAH to the ones that you know you love. We’re not saying cut them out completely (because that would be crazy.... it’s freaking Christmas!) but if you’re trying to be even a little bit good, it’s not worth wasting tummy space on the things that you’re not even obsessed with. Instead, chose your favs and allow yourself a realistic limit.
We get it. You finish work late, and you’re only left with a few options. You head home and try and cook up something healthy, which ends up taking freaking forever, or you pick up a drive through meal on the way home which you know you’re going to regret. We’re all super guilty of it but babes, you gotta keep it in check in the lead up to Christmas. You need to be eating at least 2 hours before bed. So start getting ruthless with your Sunday meal prepping and make sure that when you’re on the way to work, or out on your lunch break, that you’re already sussing out your dinner options. Trust us, you’ll thank us later.
Might seem a bit silly but it’s true. Going to bed at a reasonable hour over the Christmas season isn’t always easy with Christmas parties and dinner with friends, but it’s actually an essential part of getting fit and losing weight. Your body needs at least 7-9 hours to repair and recover, especially if you’ve been working out that day.
If you haven't stocked up, you need to. There’s only one thing that can kick that holiday bloat in the butt and that’s us. We’ve got your back and we want to make sure you look (and feel) freaking fiiiiiine all throught the festive season!