Tummy Bootcamp: Challenge 2
Posted by Nicole from Flat Tummy Co on
(If you still need to complete last weeks challenge, click here)
Believe it - week one is already done! Now that you're organized and prepared, it's time to get your a** in gear and get going with Challenge #2! Our girls at HQ and have busy putting together their favorite tummy workouts for you to follow this week.
You know we’re rooting for you to get results, and love seeing your progress. So don’t forget your pink stripes and be sure to take pics before/during/after you complete each challenge. Post them using the hashtag #babeonamission or send them to us at getflat@flattummyco.com!
Challenge TWO: WORK IT
Our Shakes are 3x more effective than diet & exercise alone, so let’s make this week freakin’ count! We’re giving you a serious back up, with 20% OFF all Shakes.
So here it is babe, our tummy workouts to help you get back on track and get your tummy flat! We’re challenging you to complete this workout at least 3 times this week - you got this!
Elbow Plank: 3 sets, hold for 30 seconds
- Place your forearms on the floor, about shoulder distance apart.
- Lift your right knee off the floor and extend it backwards and putting your toes on the floor
- While staying on your elbows and right toes, now lift your left knee off the floor, extend it back, and place your left toes on the floor
Russian Twist: 3 sets of 10 reps
- Sit on the floor and extend your legs (keeping your feet together, touching the floor)
- (If possible) Lift your feet off the floor so that they are slightly lower than your knees.
- Lean back slightly and clasp your hands.
- Keeping your lower body still, twist to your right, and touch the floor, then twist to your left.
Superwoman: 5 sets
- Lay on your stomach and extend your arms in front of you, palms on the floor and point your toes outward.
- Raise both your arms and legs off the ground.
- Hold for 2 seconds
Plank Crawl: 3 sets
- Stand with your feet together and bend at the hips and try to touch the floor. When you’re fingers are on the floor, start to walk your hands out into a push-up position.
- Crawl back to the starting position by inching your hands backward. When your feet are flat on the floor, bend at the hips again and lift yourself back up to the standing position.
We always want to hear about new workouts that totally tone your tummy, so hit us up with any suggestions! Oh, and if you still need to grab your Flat Tummy Shakes for 20% OFF, click here.