Tummy Bootcamp: Challenge 3
Posted by Nicole from Flat Tummy Co on
(If you still need to complete the first challenges, click here)
We’re officially on the third week of Tummy Bootcamp and you’re doing freakin’ amazing - you’re organized, and have totally crushed those tummy workouts.
This week is all about Flat Tummy Tea. Our all natural, detox tea takes care of cleansing your system, so it only makes sense to come full circle and detox your life too. You’ve probably figured out where we’re going with this by now… but it’s time to Marie Kondo the sh*t out of your clutter! Getting back on track is about a healthy mind AND body!
You know the drill, don’t forget to share your progress (and your pink stripes) by taking pics before/during/after each challenge. Post them using the hashtag #babeonamission or send them to us at getflat@flattummyco.com!
Challenge THREE: Detox It
Follow these four steps and you’ll be feeling refreshed AF! Annnnd you know we’ve got a little something up our sleeves to reward you for all your hard work so far - so, this week Flat Tummy Tea is 20% OFF!
1. Detox Yourself
Let’s get started by detoxing your system and kicking that bloated, blaaah feeling with your Flat Tummy Tea. It’s important to get back on track and stay focused to ensure you’re feeling your best before tackling everything else!
2. Start With Your Closet
(AKA start with the hardest first). We own so much damn activewear and we never want to part with it. Buuut there’s no way those leggings you haven't rocked since 2016 are gonna be making a comeback anytime soon. Pull out any clothing you haven’t worn in the last 6 months, and it’s got to go! Silver lining? This also makes it easier to have more space when you just have to buy a little something new!
Babe tip? Flip all your hangers around the opposite way, and as you wear things hang them back up as you normally would. This is an easy way to sort exactly what you aren’t wearing (and gives you less chances to make excuses as to why you should keep it).
3. Toss Expired Products
OK, seriously - when was the last time you purged your makeup or skincare products? Can’t remember? Exactly. This one won’t take you long. Sort through your products and if it looks gross, you’ve had it longer than you can remember, or you just don’t like it anymore - chuck it.
4. Clear It Off
If you’re anything like us, our shelves and countertops pile up with clutter. Make it your goal to clear off as many surfaces as you can (and no that doesn’t mean just relocate the junk) - sort it, organize it and ditch it if you have to.
Still struggling to make progress? Our Hero Woman Supplement is designed to help you stay focused* and on track so you can get sh*t done.
Make sure you cross off challenge 1, 2 & 3 so you're ready to go next week. Challenge 4 is right around the corner, babe!