Did Someone Say Holiday Friendly Workout?!
Posted by Shelby from Flat Tummy Co on

Babe, we get it. It’s the long weekend and you’ve definitely earned a few days to let loose and relax… a bit. But let’s be real - completely falling off track? Not our style. So grab your Flat Tummy Shakes and stop whatever you’re doing, cause we’ve got a few ideas to help you fit in all your festivities + a killer workout.
No matter where you plan on spending your holidays, we’ve got a workout for you. Yep, get ready!
Celebrating at a summerhouse or cabin?
A quick little search should help you find some pretty nice little hikes in the area. And trust us, a hike with some of your girlfriends? Yep, you’re not gonna wanna pass that up.
Celebrating at a beach?
In case you didn’t know, running in the sand is a killer workout… no excuses for this one - you don’t even need your sneaks! Plus? You get to scope out the best spots to hang once you’re done.
Celebrating at a lake?
Hop in that water to cool off, and get your cardio in! Full body workout in the water with your girls? Yes way.
Celebrating at a concert?
You’re in luck babe - this is a workout that you’re gonna love doing! Yep, you guessed it. Get ready to dance and move. Bonus points if you belt out to every song.
Celebrating at a BBQ?
Easy - put that drink down babe (don’t worry, it’ll still be there when you get back) and go for a short walk! Plus, you’ll be able to stop yourself from going back for seconds (or thirds) by sneaking in a pop on your walk. Let’s be real - you’re not gonna want to share them with everyone!
Haven’t made any plans yet, or still have some time to kill before you kick off the weekend? No worries babe, we’ve got you covered! Check out our last blog for a super quick workout that you can bang out at home in just 15 minutes!