Time To Spring Clean Your Body With “Flat Tummy Tea”

Posted by Valentina from Flat Tummy Co on

A person in a gray shirt and pink shorts is measuring their waist with a tape measure in front of a mirror. They are pinching the tape to check the measurement, and their reflection is visible, slightly out of focus, in the background.

by Alexandra Dunek from the1stclasslifestyle.com

Spring has officially sprung (even though there is snow where I am) and it’s time to clean out not only our closets, but our bodies as well. Detoxing is a popular and growing trend, especially amongst females. We ladies are all are fascinated by the idea of “starting fresh” and cleansing our bodies to get rid of those past several weeks of late night munchies and bottle popping.

There are a several ways to detox. Some are short-term such as a liquid fast where juicing has become the new craze, or you can simply ingest fruits and vegetables for seven days. Others are long-term which include eliminating alcohol, sugar and switching to organic, unprocessed and superfoods.

As for me, I am a huge tea fan. Lately I’ve noticed tea detoxes taking over the pages of Instagram and I had to jump on the bandwagon. Flat Tummy Tea is my personal favorite and is raking in customers day after day.

Flat Tummy Tea is an Australian based company that created a special line of blended herbs to give you a cleanse worth trying and actually sticking to! The product comes with “Everyday Flat Tummy” a packet of 12 blended herbs and “Afresh Flat Tummy” that consists of 9 blended herbs. Both used together for a two or four week period, you will eliminate water weightbloatingtoxins and it will also help you with constipation and thoseannoying cramps. Plus the teas offer other great benefits such as more energy and a better night’s sleep. What is there to say no to?

The Flat Tummy Tea’s creator, Bec who is 27 from TasmaniaAustralia studied Fashion Design and loves to spend her spare time designing and sewing as well as hitting the gym and hanging with Martha, her chocolate Burmese cat. She personally struggled everyday with bloating and digestive issues that forced her to search high and low for a solution.

When Bec stumbled upon the positive benefits of herbal teas, she knew she finally found the answer she has been looking so long for. After plenty of research, experimentations and meetings with herbalists, she ended up with a product that truly is a unique and special mixture that solved all of her problems. And because of how well it worked, she insisted on sharing with others so FTT is offered internationally so everyone around the world can try it and get their very own amazing results.

The website is easy to navigate and offers you a list of tips as well as guidance on what you should be eating and avoiding. You can also check out the incredible before and after pictures of Instagram customers showing off their accomplishments with Flat Tummy Tea!

Start off this spring right and don’t forget to share with all of us through Instagram!

About the author:

Alexandra Dunek
I am the oldest of triplets and a senior at Rochester Institute of Technology in New York. I am an aspiring trainer and a registered dietician, with a deep passion for fitness. I love to travel, but New Jersey will always have my heart. My one rule at life, "Be so good they can't ignore you".