Tummy Bootcamp - The First Challenge
Posted by Valentina from Flat Tummy Co on
Challenge ONE.
Tummy Bootcamp is officially in full swing! Up first: The Water Challenge.
We know it might sound super simple, buuut take a quick second and think about how much water you typically drink in a day. And btw babe.. coffee, Flat Tummy Tea, Flat Tummy Shakes, pop, and juices don’t count. What’s that leave you with? Probably not that much, right?
We recommend our ladies drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day, but the amount of water we should be drinking is actually based off your weight. The formula Flat Tummy HQ babes use is our weight x 2/3 (67%) to figure out how much water we should drink. Ex: If we weighed 175 pounds, we'd drink 117 ounces of water a day.
You might think this is easy. But here’s the kicker. Once you start hydrating your body with the right amount of water, chances are for the first week, you’re going to feel bloated and not want to continue. BUT, that’s when you have to. It’s just your body retaining water because it’s not used to it. Once you get past that week BOOM, you’re body will adjust and you’ll lose that water weight and be less bloated.
Challenge ONE: Drink the recommended amount of water for your body, every day. We know regular water is boring. So here are a few water recipes to use to help get your water up. And don’t forget to send us pics of you completing your water - or fire us water recipes you use.